Monday, November 12, 2012

Repository of Painting

It's been far too long.  In this gap, I've learned a few things.  Let me start by posting the models I painted before the middle of October:

The Kraken painted up in a bit shorter period than I'd thought it'd take.  This isn't the finished work, I'll upload that later.  I wish I had a photo during this process...

Terminus conversion I'm working on right now.

Little more on Terminus.

Dark Eldar Raider that houses my wonderful Kabalites.

One Kabalite out of (now) 30.

Warpwolf for the league at Gamer's Haven

Warpwolf Stalker for the league

Same Stalker and some Shifting Stones for the league.

A Woldwarden for the league.

Then, mid October, Bob (owner of Gamer's Haven) and Manny (arch-nemesis in Warmachine) taught me a new technique for painting called drybrushing.  I'd heard that it does wonders, and I figured it was time I learned.  Well, here's the sort of stuff that the new technique has produced...

A Dark Eldar Scourge (there're now 5 that look like this)

Dark Eldar Haemonculus work in progress.

Dark Eldar Venom completed

6 Dark Eldar Reavers (without riders...)

The best part of drybrushing is the speed.  Those 6 reavers went from gray plastic to how they look in the photo in just under 2 hours.  The technique works quite well, and for those of you who can't tell the difference, the models below used the exact same steps, except that the ones on the right were drybrushed post-wash.

Amazing technique.  I look forward to using it more as I finish up my Dark Eldar army.  I need 1850 points, just in case I need to go play at a tournament :)

Until next time!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Deryliss and the Kraken (future)

Hey all!

Well, originally 3Gaspy and the Avalancher were on my list as my next models to paint, but a few days ago, my wife gave me some fantastic Warmachine news.

"You can buy a Kraken in September if you get the list for it painted.  And you have to paint the Kraken as soon as you get it.  And the list has to be competitive.  Not just a bunch of models you've already painted."

Well, that convinced me to actually create and (once I have the Kraken) run a new Cryx list with one of the casters I play the least, Mortenebra.

I'll start with the pictures of Deryliss completed, and then move on to the list itself and a discussion of why it is the way it is.

I wanted something that ties my army together.  I think I'll be using the Sanguine color for most of the "robes" in the army.

I apologize for the background color, since it's fairly similar to Deryliss's skin color.  Oh, and Manny, the avocados are for you.

So basically, the model was painted Thrall Flesh, Sanguine Highlight, Brass Balls, and Quicksilver.  I used Thraka Green wash over the shiny bits, and then mixed in some white w/ the sanguine to get the "robe" highlights.

The whole model took about an hour from prime to finish.

Now on to the list...
So, I don't really use Mortenebra very often.  I like the way she plays, but anyone who has played against me knows that I really enjoy running the undead horde more than I do the warjack spam.  However, putting together a Kraken list seemed a daunting task were I to run my typical list.  Besides, I get to use a couple models that haven't been pulled off the shelf in a while!  So here's the list:

Mortenebra +4
--Deathjack -12
--Kraken -19
--Helldiver -3
Bloat Thrall -2
Pistol Wraith -3 OR Warwitch Siren -2   Necrotech -1

7 models at 35 points.  I think most players understand the power of the Kraken in this list, but I'll go ahead and expand on my thought process.

Mortenebra has two absolutely beautiful spells in Overrun and Terminal Velocity.  Without posting the exact wording of the spells, Overrun lets a model in Mortenebra's battlegroup move when target warjack in her battlgroup kills something.  Terminal Velocity gives +2" to charges against living models, and free charges for all!  However, this isn't the real meat of taking the Kraken with Mortenebra.  The real secret is her ability called Interface.  I'll get to that in a second.

Think of the Kraken as a giant Overrun trigger.  Every time the Hellblaster shoots, it's bound to kill something, so long as there're infantry in my opponent's list.  An AOE of 4" is nothing to scoff at.  Overrun would then allow Deathjack to advance 6", or the Helldiver to advance 5" (putting it 8" from where it ended its last movement).  After that, Mortenebra can cast TV, allowing the Deathjack a total charging threat range of 15.5" (17.5" if charging a living model, and he should be).  The Helldiver gets a total threat of 16.5"/18.5" from where he ended his last turn (the whole Burrow marker thing).  Even the Kraken can benefit from TV, giving it a total charging threat of 12"/14" with its beautiful 4" reach.

As alluded to above, one of the best parts of this list is Mortenebra's Interface ability.  If the Kraken runs on turn 1, then it should be able to hit just about anything on the board with its 16" cannon.  If Mortenebra is in B2B with the Kraken, then there's no need to ever give it focus.  On a turn you do not need TV, you have 7 focus for the Kraken to use.  That a fully boosted Hellblaster, and assuming you roll 3 attacks total on the Flayer, 2 fully boosted Flayer shots and 1 with an attack or damage boost.  With careful positioning of Mortenebra (or, using Overrun to bring her up into B2B behind him after the initial attack), the Kraken can have 9 total attacks in melee at POW 18 minimum, but with TV, that's probably more like 6.  This is one of the reasons I really would like a Siren in the list.  Powerboost for 1, interface for 7, and you have an 8 focus Kraken.  Scary.

This list is all about assassination and answers.  What I mean by that is, as you've seen above, there're some excellent threat vectors that can be accomplished with TV, but this list tries to have an all-comers feel to it.

Anti-Armor (Warjack, Warbeast):
Deathjack (POW 18 x 2)
Kraken (POW 18 x 2)
Void Gate (No enemy focus or forcing in 4" AOE)
Pistol Wraith (Death Chill)

Anti-High Def:
Kraken (4" POW 7 blasts)
Bloat Thrall (5" POW 7 blasts)
Void Gate (4" POW 7 blasts)

Mortenebra even has anti-Stryker and Sevvy in her spell Jump Start.  No knockdown silliness using up precious focus!

Well, that's some thought that went into the list.  Sorry for the wall of text.

Next up on the painting table is Mortenbra herself, followed by either a Warwitch Siren or a Pistol Wraith.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Vociferon and Avalancher

So having received a couple models for my birthday weeks ago, I figured it was time to start both them and my new 3Gaspy model.  I didn't quite finish the Avalancher my brother bought for me, but he's started, and I was able to finish 3Gaspy's personal Skarlock, Vociferon.  My techniques haven't changed, so not too much to talk about there.  I'll let the pics speak for themselves.

Avalancher WIP 
(He stays up in the snow of the mountains raining down high explosives)


I think my favorite part about Vociferon is the fact that he only took me about a hour to do.

Next up:  Finish Avalancher and start 3Gaspy

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We'z Takin' To Da Skies!

Hello again all!

It's been a couple hectic months of taking care of family stuff, work, and the other usual "I-can't-play-games-because-of-this" sort of stuff, leaving me very little time to paint.  However, in light of 40k's 6th Edition release, I thought it might be fun to work on (and finish!) one of the newer models in the Ork line.

Say hello to the Dakkajet

This is one of the newest models in the Ork arsenal.  Equipped with 3 Twin-Linked Supa Shootas, the Dakkajet is able to strafe any target and riddle them with holes.  My personal take on the jet was camouflage, which you'll see here in a minute.

The top of the jet needed an Orky Red Paint Job, giving it that little boost in speed.  For those of you who don't play 40k, Orks have the idea that anything painted red goes faster, and it turns out that it's true!  The entirety of the jet is washed in Devlin Mud, giving a nice, worn look to it.

Here are some more views of the top of the plane.

You can see the yellow paint being stripped away as the jet continues to live through battle after battle.  The canopy was originally clear, but has been tinted over time with dirt, dust, and smoke from flaming engines.

3 TL Supa Shootas will take down anything short of a Land Raider.

Dirt and grime from many battlefields has left the jet this off-yellow.

Though the body might be old, this particular pilot tends to burn out engines and gun barrels on a regular basis.  As such, the engine is a bit brighter and the barrels of the Supa Shootas are without the regular wear-and-tear from the prior battles.

If you look at that last photo, you might notice some color that's not totally Orky.  Well, the Big Mek in charge of this Waaagh!'s airfield thought himself quite clever, and realized that the planes might not get shot down as often if they had a bit of camouflage on the bottom.

Here's how that conversation went:
Big Mek: "We'z lozin too many da Fightas.  Oy you lot!  We'z needin' some stelff or somefin.  Paint the Fightas blue like da sky and put some clouds on it."
Head Grot: "Boss, what if some 'umie looks up an' sees it?"
Big Mek: "Stupid git, we'z paint 'Not A Fighta' on da bottom.  Dat way, when da 'umies look up, dey says 'Is dat a Orky Fighta?' and dey'll see dat its not."

Not the brightest, but for this jet, it's been working out well.

Thanks for looking!  Next on my table is Abbadon from the Chaos Space Marines.  I'll put up pics as soon as he's done.

For da waaaagh!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Skarlock (WIP)

After some much-needed technique critique following the paint job done on my Dark Angel Captain, I decided to take what people said to heart and attempt a new technique.  The model isn't even close to finished, but as with any new technique, it'll take a while before I can get it to the point of being fast.

So without any further ado, here's the WIP Cryx Skarlock

The new technique I tried was layering multiple very, very thin coats of different colors to add shading.  I really like how the Skarlock's head is turning out.  For those of you who gave me the recommendation to try this technique, thank you.  You were right, it really does add a lot of depth to the model.

Next will be a continuation of this model.  The souls will be ice blue, as the are on the rest of my Cryx soul-having models.  The cloak will be a dark black-purple (once I figure out how to make that color) and the soul cages will be the typical brass and silver.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

We makes it Orky!

As Nightmare's base coat dries in preparation for attempting a new painting technique, I thought I'd talk about Orks for a second.

One of the things that drew me to the orks in the first place was their tendency to scavenge vehicles and parts from those they conquer.  I realized early on that I could take any vehicle I happened to like from the entire GW line and Ork it up a little.

It hit me that a Land Raider would be an excellent platform for a Battle Wagon, so I picked up a used Chaos Land Raider on eBay and went to town.  It's almost finished, so I figured I'd show the current incarnation.

I decided that any good Wagon needs a way to carry some troops, so it needed a platform.  This will allow me to still retain the Open Top look for after I mount a Killkannon in the real transport bay.

I used a spare gun from a Khador Destroyer to make the Lobba for this Wagon.  This ork really doesn't understand the concept of a mortar, so he just fires straight ahead!

An ork shows no fear, but its the Runt here who's really enjoying the ride.

So here's my Chaos Battlewagon in all its Orky glory!  I'm really excited to paint this one, just as soon as I finish all my models for Lock N Load.  If you're curious, I'll list the parts used in this conversion below.

Thanks for reading yet another post!  Next week, I'll be showcasing either my Nightmare or some lovely Satyxis ladies.

Parts used in the Chaos Wagon conversion:
(1) Chaos Land Raider
(2) Tusks from the Deff Dread
(1) Flamethrower from the Deff Dread
(2) Missile launchers from the old metal Killa Kans
(2) Buzz Saws from the Deff Dread
(7) Pieces of a Trukk (the platform, mostly)
(1) Grabba Klaw from the Battlewagon
(1) Runt from the Nob Bikers
(1) Khador Destroyer cannon

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Captain (UPDATE: Finished)

So, with the Easter holiday this weekend, I wasn't exactly able to finish a model, and I thought it would be cheating to use one of my previously painted models (I'll do that later).  So, I'm going to show you the step-by-step for the model I am currently working on, the Dark Angel Captain.

I managed to pick one up cheap at a 30% off sale at Hobbytown this weekend, and since this was one of the sculpts I really enjoyed in the Space Marine line, I couldn't help but pick it up (along with the Vanilla Marine codex).  As a bit of a background, I bought the Dark Angel codex as I liked the idea of running bikes and Terminators en masse.  Little did I know that the codex hasn't had an update since 2006, meaning it's one of the older ones out there.  So, while I wait for a new DA codex, I figured I'd run my own little group as a sub-section of the Dark Angels using the Vanilla codex  so I can use models like the Sternguard or Vanguard Vets.  I still don't know what I'm calling them, but I'm liking the color scheme so far.

So, without further ado, this is the model as assembled straight out of the blister pack.

I'm really thinking that this will be my model for either Cato Sicarius or Kor'sarro Khan, since both of them use awesome swords for the 1-shot kill.

From here, I did the standard black base coat.  As per a recommendation from a friend, after this model, I'll probably be using some sort of primer for the base coat.  It'll make finishing the model just that much simpler.

I decided I really liked the quadrant paint job that many of the models in Codex: Space Marines have, so I figured I'd use that.  Deciding on white and Green as my colors (standard Dark Angel colors), I went to work.  I've been having issues with my white paints lately, as in, they're far too thick, so with the advice of the same friend as above, I watered them down with regular tap water.
You can't see it very well, but that paint is super runny.

Anyway, it really helped.  The white isn't nearly as streaky as I've had in the past and the model looks way better for it.  (Thanks Chris!)

So, I painted the quadrants and started work on the cape.  I should be finishing this model this week, and next week's post will be the remainder of the work done on my Dark Angel Captain.


So, I lied.  I actually finished the captain last night while Kim and I watched Dr. Who.  I'm happy with how he turned out, especially since I can now tell that he's green and white and not black and white.
Photo's a little washed, but it gets the point across.  I used a GW Leviathan Purple wash over a P3 Quick Silver on the helmet to get the shiny purple on the wings.  Gold, silver, blue, and red were used as the ornamentation colors, as well as a P3 Ryn Flesh for the feathers on the sword.  The sword is P3 Quick Silver followed with a Nuln Oil wash from the new GW paint line.

Next up on the painting table: Cryx Warjack Nightmare

Monday, April 2, 2012


Hello and welcome to my painting blog!  I'm by no means a professional painter, and I know very little about actual techniques aside from what I pick up from a few of the guys I know.  Mainly, I wanted a place to keep some pictures of my work and show that even someone red/green colorblind and without any training can paint some decent looking minis.

So without further ado, I present a few of my pieces done prior to the creation of this plog.  Forgive the image quality.  iPhones aren't the best means for cataloging this sort of thing...

This is my as of yet unfinished Bullet Pod.  The shape of the drop pods seemed to scream classic Mario, so I had to indulge.

My personal favorite at the moment, my Execution-Pattern Dreadnought for my Dark Angels.  It's a Forge World chaplain dread w/ the drill and plasma cannon.
The Plasma Cannon

My Dark Angel scouts.  I don't get to use these guys as much as I would like, but maybe with the new codex I can throw in something other than Terminators and Bikes.

First warboss I ever painted.  I had no concept of washing at the time, so he looks all bright and shiny.  Might be worth going back and updating.