Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We'z Takin' To Da Skies!

Hello again all!

It's been a couple hectic months of taking care of family stuff, work, and the other usual "I-can't-play-games-because-of-this" sort of stuff, leaving me very little time to paint.  However, in light of 40k's 6th Edition release, I thought it might be fun to work on (and finish!) one of the newer models in the Ork line.

Say hello to the Dakkajet

This is one of the newest models in the Ork arsenal.  Equipped with 3 Twin-Linked Supa Shootas, the Dakkajet is able to strafe any target and riddle them with holes.  My personal take on the jet was camouflage, which you'll see here in a minute.

The top of the jet needed an Orky Red Paint Job, giving it that little boost in speed.  For those of you who don't play 40k, Orks have the idea that anything painted red goes faster, and it turns out that it's true!  The entirety of the jet is washed in Devlin Mud, giving a nice, worn look to it.

Here are some more views of the top of the plane.

You can see the yellow paint being stripped away as the jet continues to live through battle after battle.  The canopy was originally clear, but has been tinted over time with dirt, dust, and smoke from flaming engines.

3 TL Supa Shootas will take down anything short of a Land Raider.

Dirt and grime from many battlefields has left the jet this off-yellow.

Though the body might be old, this particular pilot tends to burn out engines and gun barrels on a regular basis.  As such, the engine is a bit brighter and the barrels of the Supa Shootas are without the regular wear-and-tear from the prior battles.

If you look at that last photo, you might notice some color that's not totally Orky.  Well, the Big Mek in charge of this Waaagh!'s airfield thought himself quite clever, and realized that the planes might not get shot down as often if they had a bit of camouflage on the bottom.

Here's how that conversation went:
Big Mek: "We'z lozin too many da Fightas.  Oy you lot!  We'z needin' some stelff or somefin.  Paint the Fightas blue like da sky and put some clouds on it."
Head Grot: "Boss, what if some 'umie looks up an' sees it?"
Big Mek: "Stupid git, we'z paint 'Not A Fighta' on da bottom.  Dat way, when da 'umies look up, dey says 'Is dat a Orky Fighta?' and dey'll see dat its not."

Not the brightest, but for this jet, it's been working out well.

Thanks for looking!  Next on my table is Abbadon from the Chaos Space Marines.  I'll put up pics as soon as he's done.

For da waaaagh!

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