Monday, April 2, 2012


Hello and welcome to my painting blog!  I'm by no means a professional painter, and I know very little about actual techniques aside from what I pick up from a few of the guys I know.  Mainly, I wanted a place to keep some pictures of my work and show that even someone red/green colorblind and without any training can paint some decent looking minis.

So without further ado, I present a few of my pieces done prior to the creation of this plog.  Forgive the image quality.  iPhones aren't the best means for cataloging this sort of thing...

This is my as of yet unfinished Bullet Pod.  The shape of the drop pods seemed to scream classic Mario, so I had to indulge.

My personal favorite at the moment, my Execution-Pattern Dreadnought for my Dark Angels.  It's a Forge World chaplain dread w/ the drill and plasma cannon.
The Plasma Cannon

My Dark Angel scouts.  I don't get to use these guys as much as I would like, but maybe with the new codex I can throw in something other than Terminators and Bikes.

First warboss I ever painted.  I had no concept of washing at the time, so he looks all bright and shiny.  Might be worth going back and updating.

1 comment:



    Looks real good! I can tell you have put a lot of work into them, and now I can see it all without having to drive to Spokane!
