Monday, April 9, 2012

The Captain (UPDATE: Finished)

So, with the Easter holiday this weekend, I wasn't exactly able to finish a model, and I thought it would be cheating to use one of my previously painted models (I'll do that later).  So, I'm going to show you the step-by-step for the model I am currently working on, the Dark Angel Captain.

I managed to pick one up cheap at a 30% off sale at Hobbytown this weekend, and since this was one of the sculpts I really enjoyed in the Space Marine line, I couldn't help but pick it up (along with the Vanilla Marine codex).  As a bit of a background, I bought the Dark Angel codex as I liked the idea of running bikes and Terminators en masse.  Little did I know that the codex hasn't had an update since 2006, meaning it's one of the older ones out there.  So, while I wait for a new DA codex, I figured I'd run my own little group as a sub-section of the Dark Angels using the Vanilla codex  so I can use models like the Sternguard or Vanguard Vets.  I still don't know what I'm calling them, but I'm liking the color scheme so far.

So, without further ado, this is the model as assembled straight out of the blister pack.

I'm really thinking that this will be my model for either Cato Sicarius or Kor'sarro Khan, since both of them use awesome swords for the 1-shot kill.

From here, I did the standard black base coat.  As per a recommendation from a friend, after this model, I'll probably be using some sort of primer for the base coat.  It'll make finishing the model just that much simpler.

I decided I really liked the quadrant paint job that many of the models in Codex: Space Marines have, so I figured I'd use that.  Deciding on white and Green as my colors (standard Dark Angel colors), I went to work.  I've been having issues with my white paints lately, as in, they're far too thick, so with the advice of the same friend as above, I watered them down with regular tap water.
You can't see it very well, but that paint is super runny.

Anyway, it really helped.  The white isn't nearly as streaky as I've had in the past and the model looks way better for it.  (Thanks Chris!)

So, I painted the quadrants and started work on the cape.  I should be finishing this model this week, and next week's post will be the remainder of the work done on my Dark Angel Captain.


So, I lied.  I actually finished the captain last night while Kim and I watched Dr. Who.  I'm happy with how he turned out, especially since I can now tell that he's green and white and not black and white.
Photo's a little washed, but it gets the point across.  I used a GW Leviathan Purple wash over a P3 Quick Silver on the helmet to get the shiny purple on the wings.  Gold, silver, blue, and red were used as the ornamentation colors, as well as a P3 Ryn Flesh for the feathers on the sword.  The sword is P3 Quick Silver followed with a Nuln Oil wash from the new GW paint line.

Next up on the painting table: Cryx Warjack Nightmare

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