Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Harlequin Army WIP

Hey there everyone!

After a good year-and-a-half of not putting anything up, I think I've finally got something that'll be worth showing off.

Our FLGS started an Escalation league.  1850 points fully painted and based by the middle of the year with 1-month 400 point increments.  Originally, I wanted to do up some Dark Eldar and Eldar to flesh out my existing Dark Eldar army, but the call of the Harlequin army was too strong.  Oddly enough, I'm not actually using any Harlequins.  I'm not a huge fan of the Finecast models, and I'm trying to avoid them wherever possible.

Out of the 1850 I'm painting, I'm creating a 1750 for one of the local big tournaments coming in May.  I should get to practice this list on Saturday, so I look forward to seeing how it performs.

1750 Eldar Harlequins
Farseer (Warlord)
--Singing Spear
--Uldanorethi Long Rifle
--Mantle of the Laughing God
--Runes of Witnessing
--Eldar Jetbike

Avatar of Khaine
--Fast Shot

5 Dire Avengers
--Wave Serpent
----TL Scatter Laser
----Shuriken Cannon

5 Dire Avengers
--Wave Serpent
----TL Scatter Laser
----Shuriken Cannon

3 Windrider Jetbikes

3 Windrider Jetbikes

3 Windrider Jetbikes

Crimson Hunter Exarch
--Pulse Laser
--2x Starcannons

Fire Prism
--Prism Cannon
--Shuriken Cannon
--Ghostwalk Matrix
--Star Engines
--Crystal Targeting Matrix

3 War Walkers
--2x Scatter Lasers each

--2x Eldar Missile Launcher
--2x Flamer

So, here's about half of the army I'm working on right now.  I'm looking forward to the finishing the final list.
Slenderman from the Kingdom Death line as the Avatar

Windrider squad #1

Windrider squad #2

Jetbike Farseer